THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST IN EXCALIBUR! This demonstration version of Excalibur! II should operate on your BBS. The number of active players, however, is limited to not more than five. I am sorry I had to cripple the demo this way, but experience has taught me that many shareware users are reluctant to pay for software they can obtain for free. I have otherwise tried to make this demo as pleasant to play as the licensed version other than the restriction on the number of players. Your other users will be allowed to log on as visitors, but their play will not be saved to disk. Otherwise, almost all functions are available to try out so that you can get a feel for what it would be like to run the licensed version on your BBS. The licensed version will accommodate 55 players. *********************** GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS ***************************** Load the XCDEMO.EXE file into the directory that contains your BBS exe- cutable file. While in the same directory, create a subdirectory called XC2 (for example, if your BBS directory is called C:\BBS copy the XCDEMO.EXE file into it, and create a subdirectory of C:\BBS called XC2 whose full path- name would be C:\BBS\XC2 and copy the *.XCL files into that). ************************** WWIV INSTRUCTIONS ***************************** To install the game on a WWIV BBS version 4.10 or greater, edit your chains. Create a new chain as follows: A. Description : Excalibur! II Demo B. Filename : XCDEMO.EXE %1 C. SL : (Whatever you want) D. AR : (Whatever you want) E. ANSI : Optional F. DOS Interrupt: Not Used <== This should SAY "Not Used" G. 300 Baud : (Whatever you want.) H. Shrink : Yes <== Will probably also work with "No" ************************************************************************** ************************* RBBS-TYPE INSTRUCTIONS ************************* For RBBS and similar systems, the game will read a DORINFO1.DEF file which it will expect to find in the same directory as XCDEMO.EXE Call the game as XCDEMO DI Many non-WWIV systems call doors that reside in separate directories than the BBS executable file. This will generally work if the following conditions are met: 1) The DORINFO1.DEF file must exist in the same directory as XCDEMO.EXE 2) XC2 must be a subdirectory of the directory containing XCDEMO.EXE ************************************************************************** I cannot track the distribution of the demo versions of the game, so regrettably you may find some errors in it which have already been fixed in the licensed version. To obtain a licensed version, the editor, and all associated files, type the file ORDERING.FRM and fill out the form. Send the registration form and $20 to: Richard L. Chism 6504 Sailing Breeze Trail Austin, Texas 78744 If the form is missing, include * The name of your BBS * The type of software you are using (make sure to tell me whether you use CHAIN.TXT or DORINFO1.DEF to pass user information) * The name (handle) you use as sysop * Your mailing address. I will send the game to you in ZIPped format on a 5.25" DSDD diskette, (3.5" on request). Type O at the Camelot menu or from the Questing menu for further information. A forty page Excalibur! II hints and tips booklet is also available for $3.00 each or ten for $25.00. You may order these from the above address as long as they are available. HAPPY QUESTING Richard L. Chism (California Wino)